Friday, April 9, 2010

Prime faces

Kowing about prime faces is more worth while developing the Web applications wusing JSF framework. Primefaces is just like a plugin for the JSF. It is more related to the UI of the application. Adding this plugin to the JSF based application gives confidence developer in designing ui interface in competence with other best ui technology.

Its providing more features like AccordianPannel, AutoComplete, Captua, Calender, Charts, Color picker,CommandButton, CommandLink, Confim Dialog, Data Exporter, Data Table, File Upload, File Download, Graphic Image, Image Compare, Layout, Menu, Menu Bar, Panel, PickList, Stack, Stack Menu,Tab, Tab Slider, Tree, Tool Tip ... etc.

Its providing more features related to JavaScript and extention to the JSF tags.

Integrating the Prime faces with JSF applications is too easy, its just adding the jar file into the application and setting up normal requirements in the web.xml file.

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